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The next phase of AI development promises to unlock a windfall for investors who position themselves ahead of time. Everyone will soon be using AI. The user market here is going to be huge. It’s what I call the “$2 trillion miracle,” as AI’s market size is forecast to hit $2 trillion in 2031… meaning any company that knows how to profit off the explosive growth of new users could make a fortune. And that is exactly what I think the company profiled in this report will do.

Artificial intelligence (AI) represents a technological leap as significant as the discovery of fire or the steam engine. It’s nothing less than the defining technology of this era. Every business can be improved by the adoption of AI in some way. That gives AI a potential customer base in the billions. The vast majority of people work, which means the vast majority of the planet’s 8 billion people can benefit from AI in some way. In this report, you’ll discover the absolute kingpin of this new technology. This company is locking down some of the biggest customers in the AI market and has the potential to build you a retirement fortune.

The artificial intelligence (AI) stocks with the most potential to achieve the hypergrowth of companies like Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) and Netflix (Nasdaq: NFLX) are the ones that offer “plug-and-play” technology. I’ve uncovered the company which offers the ultimate AI toolkit for companies to find uses for AI in their businesses, build custom bots to make their businesses more efficient and scale those bots up as they grow.

This tiny $1 billion company is disrupting the healthcare market, which is expected to grow from $86 billion in 2020 to more than $140 billion in 2028. There are 118 million potential customers worldwide, and that number is expected to grow to 124 million by 2025. That leaves plenty of room for this small, cutting-edge company to grow by leaps and bounds from its current 2.3 million customers. It meets all of my criteria for becoming a 10-bagger, and I think it’s about to take off…

The opportunity I am about to reveal in this report is involved in the most important new cutting-edge technology in the world: artificial intelligence (AI). AI represents nothing short of a new industrial revolution. McKinsey projects that AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually in annual economic benefits across dozens of use cases. Programs like ChatGPT are interesting, but AI’s potential goes far beyond a very clever chatbot. This technology won’t replace human workers, but it will make them exponentially more productive. And the company in this report is set to use AI to revolutionize one of the largest industries in the world…

Energy security is a major priority and can’t ever be taken for granted. Europe, which is dependent on Russia for almost half of its natural gas, is now in a desperate situation as Putin chokes off supply. But the fact is… there is a replacement for Russian natural gas: American natural gas! But in order to transport natural gas from America to Europe, it must be transformed from regular natural gas to liquefied natural gas, or LNG. And then that LNG is transported across the ocean on a ship. The problem is that not many shipping companies have the type of ship needed to transport LNG. This company does. It’s perfectly prepared to capitalize on this opportunity… and make shareholders very wealthy in the process!

We’ve seen sky-high energy costs, the highest inflation in 40 years, rising interest rates, negative consumer sentiment and uncertainties surrounding Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. This has led to a bear market in both small cap stocks and large cap growth stocks. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that all the companies behind those declining stock prices are suffering hard times. That’s certainly not the case for the world leader in genomic sequencing

We’ve seen sky-high energy costs, the highest inflation in 40 years, rising interest rates, negative consumer sentiment and uncertainties surrounding Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. This has led to a bear market in both small cap stocks and large cap growth stocks. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that all the companies behind those declining stock prices are suffering hard times. That’s certainly not the case for the world leader in genomic sequencing

Huge parts of Africa and Asia are reliant on grain shipments from Ukraine, which has some of the most fertile farmland in the world. However, those shipments are rotting in ports held by Russian forces. This has caused food prices around the world to skyrocket. And that would be a massive problem if it weren’t for one company that’s making a fortune by developing a technology that can increase food production and bring down prices worldwide by growing more food on less land…

These days, the minute you pull up your news feed, you’re bombarded with endless negativity about the United States. But those naysayers are betting against America, and that has always been a losing proposition. Many have underestimated America’s can-do attitude and unbreakable optimism. Those are the principles that have guided my investing career. There’s endless opportunity and fortunes to be made if you know where to look…

As the world’s population continues to expand, one of the biggest issues that needs solving is how to feed everyone on earth. In just 30 years’ time, the world will need 70% more food than we currently produce, requiring more efficient use of land and water. Vertical farming is the solution… and nobody is doing it better – or expanding faster – than this company.

You may not have heard of 10G before… but you will be hearing a lot about it in the next few years. Not to be confused with 5G, which is the fifth generation of cell networks, 10G applies to the cable broadband network… which delivers high-speed internet to your house. 10G is more than 100 times faster, more reliable and more secure than today’s home and business networks. Here’s the best way to play broadband’s transition to 10G.

In this report we reveal the company at the forefront of developing new technologies in the areas of smart robotics, human-robot interaction, and mapping and navigation. And this robotics company has teamed up with two of the biggest names in technology.

If I had to pick one individual stock to profit from the 5G revolution, this would be it. 5G, or fifth-generation wireless, is on the way, and it will be used in billions of devices and will connect millions of communication hubs at speeds no one has seen before. I cannot overstate the impact of this development, nor can I overstate the incredible profit potential that’s within arm’s reach… if you know where to look.

There’s an exciting development in the battle against cancer. And the company behind it is one of the most attractive buying opportunities I’ve seen in quite some time. This company is developing cutting-edge technology for gene mapping and cancer testing. It’s an exciting and significant development that could stop cancer in its tracks. And it could potentially be a huge moneymaker for early investors.

In this report you’ll learn about the single stock that I believe could pay for your retirement. This stock trades for less than $5. And yet, it’s set to generate more revenue in the coming year than IBM, Facebook, and even Google. As you’ll see in this report, this stock trades incredibly cheap for a number of reasons. And we believe that will change dramatically in the coming months.